Files covering all aspects of antenna design and installation, and solutions to problems in the RF workshop. An upgrade to the  antenna modeling capacity of XLNEC released as XLNEC-2. Design below for a better Octopus tester. A complete antenna patterning range with supporting software
XLNEC-2  A complete rebuild of XLNEC antenna modelling program, now in  EXCEL 2003-7 form and using NEC-2. Checked in Win 10. Many new pages now including matching helps adapted from ANTENNA BUILDERS COMPANION, XLNEC pioneered use of parametric design, with automated sequential builds whilst stepping chosen parameters (included in toolbox above) A totally free NEC2 antenna modelling and matching  package, unlike any other. Pre built parametric design pages for many common antenna types.  All the features the average builder would expect of an antenna modelling program.                         (Always free since 1998)
If you do any service work, take a look at my DIY Arduino based, hand held, Octopus Tester. It has all the advantages of the traditional tester but is self contained, with no mains connect. Driven by 100 Hertz triangular wave, but easily changeable. Offered in three designs, from a simple single window traditional display, to a more comprehensive dual window version.
The download package contains code for all versions, plus a comprehensive set of design notes. In all versions, all electronics sits on a proto-shield between Arduino and display.
Project:-  A very useful re-design of  the forever useful Octopus tester.   (Arduino + Octopus = "Ardupus")
Upper side of shield holding the redesigned Octopus components.
Under side of shield holding the redesigned Octopus components.
Dual window version of Arduino based Octopus tester.
Simple window version of Arduino based Octopus tester.
The Arduino based Octopus tester, "Ardupus", received a  simulation workout for a number of design options
before proceeding. The
accompanying notes included  in the download file give more detail.
UPDATES:-    Expanded projects for Antenna builders.                   
                        July  2020  Updated, expanded antenna modelling program, XLNEC-2
                        9 Aug 2020  Introduced ANTENNA BUILDERS TOOLBOX. A suite of programs to design, build, match, and swing your antenna   build.
                        8 Jun 29 2023  Complete rework of ANTENNA BUILDERS COMPANION
                                       This download is a TOOLBOX containing four programs:-

1. 'XLNEC-2'  A complete rebuild of  my earlier released XLNEC, now in  EXCEL 2003-7 form, and checked in Win 10. Many new pages now including matching aids, XLNEC pioneered use of parametric design, with automated sequential builds whilst stepping chosen parameters  See above.

Project:-  A COMPLETE design and test TOOLBOXfor antenna builders
Above. Arduino antenna patterning range for $100 USD
Above.Close up of display, traditional ARRL format. Pattern is saved to SD for processsing
Above. nanoVNA V2 is signal source, power is increased by 20 dB MAR amp.
Antenna pattern opened from SD. Outliers, probably caused by a 433 MHz system in my kitchen that polls a remote electric fence monitor. The workbook will enable you to filter, smooth, rotate pattern and print.
  nanoVNA and ANTENNA BUILDERS COMPANION (interactive EXCEL 2007 spreadsheet format),
A collection of seventy worksheets of interest to all antenna builders.
Solve all the most common matching problems, and just about every other problem the antenna builder meets. The authors personal collection of solutions arising from employment in antenna manufacturing, enlarged and refined for more general use. Also  a complement to XLNEC-2
SEVENTY WORKSHEETS, mostly interactive
TO KNOW.    Starting with sobering realities for the antenna builder.
RET LOSS  UNCERTAINTY.    The impossibility of measuring an accurate return loss in the home workshop with  nanoVNA is easily shown on this interactive calculator.
BRIDGE UNCERTAINTIES Interactive sheet to show how bridge directivity effects measured return loss.
CABLE LOSS Cable loss varies by frequency and SWR. This sheet will calculate loss, eirp corrected for cable loss.
K FACTOR.   K factor shortening is needed for every antenna build. This calculates per formula.
VELOCITY FACTOR.   Needed for stubs, line transformers, and cable element calculations. Manufacturers supply this factor, but if you use covered wire or braid as a radiator, you need to experimentally determine VF.
ERP EIRP Your licence sets max radiated power, effected by feed cable, antenna gain. Important in such as 
data links.
WAVE PORTION   Calculates how muich to trim to get to wanted frequency, using current resonance found by dip meter.
GDO Even though later sheets show how to use nanoVNA to ‘dip’ an antenna, the Grid Dip Oscillator still has a place in every antenna builder's workshop.
SMITH FORBIDDEN ZONES. When matching with the aid of Smith Chart, there are zones to avoid, and ideal combinations of L and C to move your impedance to 50 ohms. So easy to use this info in conjunction with STUB ANALYZER worksheet
BROAD SMITH   Broadband matches are a tricky world. Use this in conjunction with SOLVER worksheet. Even the best calculated match fails if antenna is not fully decoupled from line at every frequency.
SOLVER  Calculates a visual Smith Chart so you can follow effects of varying any of your matching elements
STAGGER MATCH  Another visual matching aid for broadbanding. Again, even the best calculated match fails if antenna is not fully decoupled from line at every frequency.
UP-LINE An educational, interactive sheet to show how impedances change as we move upline from the source
nanoVNA STUB MATCH Step by step use of R and jX from nanoVNA to match your antenna
STUB PLACEMENT from R & jX  The single stub match is often used at the base of ¼ wave whips
OPEN LINE STUB Using Vmax or Vmin of standing waves on open lines to place  matching stubs
SMITH STUB PLACER The most important sheet for matching your antenna using values from your nanoVNA
BROADBAND STUB VIEW Interactive, but shows  Smith Chart values at each point  as you move thru the matching network.
SERIES SECTION TRANSFORMER  Coax section impedance transforms. Widely published, but rarely valuable by itself.
SLUG TXFMR  Another matching technique modifying line within feed tube to avoid external stubs. Applicable to UHF
COAXIAL FILTER Mechanical coaxial low pass filter designer
BANDPASS   Mechanical bandpass filter designer.
STUB TRAPS  Calcuklate a stub trap for unwanted harmonics
INTERMODS Calculates potential intermods of two frequencies
SYSTEM PERFORMANCE This expresses performance as uV on 50 ohm receiver load, used to be handy when talking to the old 27mHZ CB community, but a very practical way of understanding the  ‘final end product’ of your system
LINE TRANSFORMATIONS  Line length transforms load impedance if not matched at antenna. This looks back from known load to show what has to be matched at TX end of coax
TDR Just a reminder sheet. TDR is very handy for finding line discontinuities, but the nanoVNA is not yet capable of such fine resolution as to be able to show bad connectors
TWELFTH-WAVE TRANSFORMER  Matching with twelvth wave transformers is a useful extension of what I described earlier as ‘slug match’
MATCH BANDWIDTH For single and double stub solutions, bandwith is calculated from the equations in Jasik’s “Antenna Engineering handbook”
WHIP ANT CALCS  Sheet calculates needed base and elevated loading params from ARRL formulas
ANTENNA GAIN   Calculate antenna gain per RSSI using a Standard Gain Antenna as reference
ANTENNA GAIN   Calculate antenna gain method two, using two identical antennas
ANTENNA GAIN   Calculate antenna gain method three, similar method two
BINOMIAL TRANSFORMER Implementing line section transformers
DECOUPLING SKIRTS  Important knowledge how to build an effective decoupling skirt and skirt limitations
CUT OFF CHOKE      Build an effective quarter wave cut-off choke with calculated internal dielectric slug.
Also calculates for half wave tube section radiators  
SKIRTED DIPOLE A practical build at 2400 GHz  
XLNEC   Reminder of free antenna design /optimising software
nanoVNA TECHNICAL My REM page of nanoVNA commands
RESISTIVE PAD MATCH Handy pad match designer for instrumentation, not antenna
SWR & LINE TRANSFORMATIONS  More line/ load calcs
INSTALLATION ADVICE  Things learned the hard way may save you some grief
DIY  ATTENUATORS    Calculate resistive type attenuators
SWR per ATTENUATOR Pre VNA methods for SWR, per the early Jerrold Co.notes.
DELAY LINE    pre VNA methods for SWR, per the early Jerrold Co.notes
ANTENNA  EFFICIENCY Simple explanation of antennas and power transfer
MATCH BOX 1 Interactive design of Matching Box outlined in old Motorola RF Power Data Manual
MATCH BOX 2 Second interactive design of Matching Box outlined in old Motorola RF Power Data Manual
MATCH BOX 3 Third interactive design of Matching Box outlined in old Motorola RF Power Data Manual
ELEMENT SCALING  Calculates scaled lengths for both ‘thin’ and ‘fat’ elements
ANTENNAS for DIGITAL   Understanding Inter-digital interference
HELICAL ANTENNA Design sheet for helical antennas
COAXIAL GAIN ANTENNA   Design crossed section coaxial gain antennas correctly. The 'COCO'
REVERSE ENGINEER  Reverse engineer a ‘Tube on Coax Core’ antenna, a common successful commercial design.
REVERSE ENGINEER 2  Scaled build detail for ‘Tube on Coax Core’
FAIL        Designs that leave something to be desired
LINE CURRENTS   Line current probe to detect line currents
NIST DIPOLE  A pointer to Chris Scott’s ‘Measuring E-fields’ 25-1000 MHz with the NIST dipole detector’
INDUCTOR CALCS   Calculator for inductors, and cavity
RESISTIVE TAP  Desing resistive tap attenuarors that maintain impedances at all ports. Handy for nanoVNA
RESISTOR COMBINATIONS   Occasionally you need an exact resistor, especially if repairing old TEK stuff, where critical values have drifted
WHIP DIP Build tune and match your ¼ wave whip the best way if you wish a resonant antenna with a textbook pattern
NanoVNA DIPPER Yes, the nanoVNA can be used as a ‘dipper’, but operates differently to the old ‘GDO’ Here are three ways of setting it up
NanoVNA DIP EXAMPLE  A user example
Above:- Use the information in FORBIDDEN ZONES in conjunction with the SMITH STUB PLACER worksheet to design an optimal match.
Above:- Step stub positions and lengths using SMITH STUB PLACER to visually move impedance to center of chart using guidance from FORBIDDEN ZONES sheet
Above:- BRIDGE UNCERTAINTIES is an interactive worksheet that shows the extreme difficulty of quantifying a return loss
Above:- Consider system performance in terms of its ultimate practical value, uV on receiver load. The SYSTEM PERFORMANCE sheet calculates all path gains and losses (inc fading margin) and comes up with the answer
Above:- There are times when an exact resistor value is needed. The RESISTOR COMBINATIONS sheet  calculates pairs of  E12 and E24 values that get closest to wanted value
Above:- Quick design  of Standard Gain Antenna, and a look at some sloppy engineering.
Above:- A better way to build a whip antenna on the WHIP DIP worksheet
allows you to set the whip to resonance before matching
Above:- The CUT OFF CHOKE worksheet  designs the essential internal dielectric slug  needed for every quarter wave decoupling skirt
Above:- The CUT OFF CHOKE worksheet  designs the essential internal dielectric slug  needed for every quarter wave decoupling skirt
Above:- The  BINOMIAL TRANSFORMER design worksheet
Above:- NanoVNA DIPPER sheet has suggestions how to use your nanoVNA as a Dip meter.  Uses a different principle to the GDO dipper. Useful, but I still prefer the old GDO for antenna work
Above:- The INDUCTOR CALCS sheet also calculates reactances of line sections.
Pattern DISPLAY has plenty of options for producing cut-n-paste patterns for other publications
Pre built parametric builder for BACK to BACK ANTIPHASED HELICIES
3. 'ANTENNA_PATTERN_STANDALONE_320x480_V2.ino' Arduino program for a standalone antenna range.As illustrated the range will swing small antennas from 400 MHz up. For bigger antennas you will need bigger stepper, drivers, and supports but the software will remain
the same.
  This code contains all necessary advice. The entire build should cost around $100. A low harmonic 10dBm signal source is preferred, but I here use a nanoVNA V2 feeding source antenna through a 20dB gain MAR amplifier
2. 'ANTENNA BUILDER'S COMPANION.xlsm'  A large EXCEL workbook containing pages to calculate EVERYTHING you will ever need in building and matching antennas. Plenty of  practical help in principles and implementation. YEARS of practical work have gone into this one. See above
4. ANTENNA FILE PROCESSOR.xlsm' will load the pattern from SD created by #3 above, clean it up, and enable you to print

: The VIEWER allows you a quick visual check of element polarities, important because it is easy to reverse a wire when building complex designs. You can instantly re color a selected wire to help troubleshoot
DECKMAKER automatically transfers the 'Deck' to NEC2 for processing. Instead of manually building coordinates, each antenna design sheet automates, transfers coordinates to the DECKMAKER
Left. The UNIQUE feature of XLNEC is that the OPTIMISER can step through combinations of three parameters, Each step generates thumbnail pattern including gain figures, f/b ratio

UNIQUE are the parametric design sheets for many common, and uncommon antennas. Nominate any parameter to change, and the complete antenna is dimensionally rebuilt. A simple button press transfers the new design to the DECKMAKER SHEET
VIEW current intensity and distribution. A contribution from Chris Lord
Pre built parametric builder for . RINGO
Pre built parametric builder for PINECONE ANTENNA
Pre built parametric builder for MICRO LOOP HELIX
Pre built parametric builder for MICRO LOOP HELIX
Pre built parametric builder for BIFILAR
Above: Pre built parametric builder for LPVA, BOOM above BOOM
Right: Pre built parametric builder for SLOTTED RINDG ANTENNA
BELOW, more design sheets from XLNEC-2
Pre built parametric builder for
Pre built parametric builder for
Pre built parametric builder for
Pre built parametric builder for
Pre built parametric builder for
Lower panel shows views from other sheets in the workbook
These SCREEN GRABS from EXCEL are a bit 'ROPEY' but should give you the idea. Download  XLNEC and see better for yourself.